Well-rounded ;)

Ken is at bingo with his mom. Usually I'd mind because it's Friday night and since I have 'no life' I would like to spend some time with my man. Except sometimes, like tonight for example, I prefer my alone time to watch youtube videos, play the Oregon Trail (do you have an iPhone? this game is ADDICTING) and drink mixed drinks...not to mention blog. As my ex co-worker put it: "I like when Charlie (husband) goes on his business trips. It makes me miss him." Yeah, something like that ;)

I remember not too long ago my weekends being super exciting. Watch youtube videos on a FRIDAY NIGHT?! Puhlease. That's a Tuesday afternoon shindig. No, Friday was spent getting all dolled up,  finding a good party and making sure you had a good story to tell your girls when you came back home whilst snacking on Dominoes - 'bought' with your Terrier card, nonetheless.

I got to almost relive such an event a couple of nights ago...'grown-up' style. My BFF and her BFF came to Manchester for a night on the town. We started at strange brew, a tavern-est bar with an old-school cigarette dispencer.

And ended up at L&M Grand. Despite the rediculous prices ($25 minimum tab??) and its strict dresscode, it is by far one of my new found favorite spots. Good music, glow-sticks, hot bartenders. 'Nough said. And although we weren't 'in the mood' before we got there, we quickly got in the mood and got our dance onnn.

 A 'she-man' as Hil called him, definitely tried to dance with me. Now that's different..

What a good night! So glad we went. This girl needs a little bit of craziness in her life. And I got to redeem myself to Hillary. The first time we met was Halloween Freshmen year. Laura and I got into a nasty fight while I spent most of the night in Hill's dorm shower vomitting on her loofa...


My inspiration
Sometimes I like to act as though I'm some sort of crafty Martha Stewart. Ken wants to make churros in his new fancy churro maker (thanks mama jean) for his second cousins' birthday party and I suggest: "OH yeah let's decorate them with some ribbon, that'd be cute!"

Last night I made some paper snowflakes. I was soo over it after the sixth one.

So I played with Cali instead :)

Check out Mals in her cutest form here:

I'm so happy I found my creative side. Ken, Mr. skinny Santa Clause himself, certainly brings it out in me. I feel as though our kids will appreciate it. I already have plenty of crafts saved in the archives for them like homeade chalkboard paint and paper dolls...So they better be!


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