Christmas 2011

Mr. Santa wrapped all the presents and he did such a good job.

He also made us Christmas eve lunch/dinner. Rolls, chicken, and greenbeans with almonds.

Squirrel got runover by a reindeer (and we had to pull over to snap this awful pic ;)
I got a recipe box with grandma's pumpkin bread and homeade cookies. I also got luggage and new pots and pans. I feel old and I lovve it.
And just when we thought that Christmas didn't really feel like "christmas" this year considering Jean was in her undies and Forrest ANSWERED THE PHONE WHILE WE WERE OPENING PRESENTS and have you noticed how few houses are decorated this year?? ... We made the 2 hour drive up north to my aunt's.
Holiday cocktail with Auntie's new hand blender. We made her open it early so that mom didn't think she got less presents and so we could make this: vodka, cranberry juice, apple juice blended then add gingerale. And she goes, "use that red bowl I have, it's more festive."
And then we watched The Sound of Music

We played games :D
And I tried to play matching feet with my sister but she wasn't having it. Just like we were 3 again...

And the FOOD. omg the food. Gingerbread rice krispy treats. LOBSTER mac & cheese. Shrimp & corn chowder. And my uncle baked tomato soup cake. What? Uncle bakes??

 Uncle reaching for his crown royale while his obnoxious Christmas music like afroman's "12 Drugs of Christmas" plays. Now that's more like it.

I also got all my laundry done. SCORE.

Spikey :)

 Ken liked Aunty's wrapping paper and asked where she got it. Only him.
Mom talking in her sleep, one too many spiced egg nogs I guess, she goes: "It's like that you know".
Ken couldn't resist telling me that I was getting a $25 gift certificate to VS...considering my mom hid it so well.

Stocking time!

And it was a white Christmas after all.
After my family Christmas was done we headed over to Ken's grandma's for good ood and a yankee swap. Grandma took my candle decor that I had already found the perfect place for in my room. Booo.
Merry Christmas all my friends and loved ones that I didn't get to see. Good thing I'll see you in TWENTY FIVE MORE DAYS!!


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