When life gives you lemons

Baby girl is on the move. Literally.

Which means we need to invest in some baby proofing. I notice my self scouring the ground for any little piece of lint/cat hair/penny etc. nowadays. 'Cause if girlfriend can do one thing best, it's put things in her mouth.

 introduced the sippy this past weekend... not quite ready for it yet.

 pickles. who knew they were such a good distraction?

When I think of camping I imagine games like horse shoe and voleyball, swimming in the river, hiking, fires, tanning, beers, grilling, with my crazy drunk Uncle and saint of an Aunt. But this past weekend was one for the record books. The week leading up to Memorial Day weekend I refreshed my weather channel app every other minute like a mad woman. RAIN? WTF! FIFTY degrees. Wait FORTY degrees?? You have to be kidding me! I text my Aunt telling her maybe we should come up another weekend? Her response left me feeling guilty and I knew it wasn't an option. So we packed. And when Ken took out some boots for Kylan, I gawked at them and left them behind.

My aunt held in her anger for the cursed weekend ahead of us as she greeted us with open arms ready to take Kylan and let us know there was a full fridge of Dr. pepper and angry orchard cider. She obviously knows the way to our heart by now.

And we made the best of our weekend, that is for sure.

Andy and Grammy even came to take part in the camping festivities! 

We are watching the Bruin's at Applebees hanging out at the bar. Talking about how cold it is for the "unnoficial kick off of summer." My wise ass Uncle goes, "I bet Jean ain't ever coming up again after this!" 

And that was before it....
SNOWED! May 25th, 2013. Memorial Day weekend. At least 4 inches. Not flurries, full on downpour of snow. 

My aunt and I were having a blast dressing up Kylan in TJMaxx while the boys finished watching the game.

We come out to the fricken twilight zone. 
Aunty: "Yes, I realize that Kayla." 
Both of us are laughing hysterically about the irony of this entire weekend while Ky clutches Sophie for dear life. All I could think of was "damn, I wish I had packed those boots for Kylan..."

We still grilled. We played board games inside. We had a fire in the snow. We cuddled with Kylan. We made lasting memories. It was an epic weekend, to put it lightly.

And when we got home we sat outside and had a Memorial Day BBQ with sunshine. Reminiscing on that one time we went camping and there was a snowstorm. Kylan's first camping trip noted in her baby book. Got to love New England.


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