Mother's Day 2013

Mother's day is one of those Hallmark holidays. You know, the ones that are celebrated only because Americans like excuses to throw parties or cookouts? Not quite in the same category as Cinco de Mayo but more along the lines of President's day.

Regardless, an excuse to celebrate the fact that I spent over 30 hours in labor and 3.5 hours of pushing to get this girl out of my hoo hah? I'll take it!

We spent the morning with Mimi. She got me some already used foot cream and lotion as well as some headbands I left at her house years ago. And I made her this last minute free photo collage. Still better than what Ken got me... eh, ehm. 

And then afterwards we spent some time at Ken's aunt's lovely lake house where we enjoyed food, card games, and giving Ky all the attention. Gram helped Ken's aunt sew Kylan's handmade dress. I wish she could have been here to see her in it. 

Then my father came and brought us to Madame Jo's home. She used to be my babysitter as a child. I have vague memories except for this large hidden closet I used to escape to. Boy was she excited to see Ky. Tits out and all ready to pounce on all of her cuteness.

We spent a lot of time reminiscing and of course more baby ogling. 

 weren't we sooo cute?

All in all a good day. Thank you Hallmark. And thank you Kylan for making me a mama baby girl. Tomorrow you are 6 months. I can't handle it.


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