Back to work

My sweetpea. Happy birthday Auntie! We miss you.

I made it through the first week! No tears, surprisingly. Luckily it was a very short week with the current Nor'easter labeled 'Nemo' canceling work early today.

There were few tears on Ky's part too. Except when she's ravenous. When girlfriend wants her milk, girlfriend wants it NOW.

I do enjoy getting pictures texted to me throughout the day from our lovely babysitter Tiffany. Although it makes my boobs sore thinking about that little munchkin of mine.

Speaking of boobs, gahhh pumping has to be at the bottom of my list of things I hate. Right in-between waking up in the morning and scraping ice off my car.

Luckily, waking up in the morning has gotten so much easier since this little smiley entered our world. I love co-sleeping. Before I had Ky I was adamant on a couple of things. She would not be sleeping in our bed was one of them and she would not be given a pacifier. Goes to show you who's boss around here! 

Oh but those chubby cheeks and her little fingers opening and closing on any little object that gets close enough for her to feel. How could you say no to that? I often just curl her up in the nook of my body, wrap my arm around her and let her grasp my finger breathing in her baby scent. It's rather heavenly. Although my arm falls asleep 2 minutes later and I can't move even the slightest bit for fear of waking the little devil angel. They are only young once right?

Next week is the true test. A full week back to work. I do pride myself on being a working mother though. A successful one at that. Mama got a raise the day she got back. AYOOOO! $$$ And it makes me feel like a good role model to Ky.

"The challenge for anyone is to make life while making a living. That means making money and meaning during the workday. Then what you do on the weekends or evenings becomes icing on the cake." (You Don't Need a Title to be a Leader by Mark Sanborn)

Here's to the freakin' weekend!


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