One month

There was a time in my life where motherhood was a joke. Why would anyone want to sacrifice their life to poop, tears, and whines? It didn't sound like anything my selfish self would want to be a part of. After I met my counterpart, Ken, my entire outlook on life changed. How could I not have a child with this person? Life has no meaning without children in it.

So I can't say I was shocked when I received comments from family members about how surprised they are with how well I'm embracing motherhood. And I have to say, one month later I am still rocking it ;)

I am growing, I am learning, and it's invigorating. My baby girl is one month today. Some days are better than others. Today is one of those days. I woke up with a good night's rest and a infatuation for the heart that beats outside of me embodied in this little soul...

Happy one month baby girl. Mama loves you.


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