Christmas Eve

As I sit here ready to start my blogpost, Ky lays across my arm and the sweet aroma of pumpkin bread permeates my home. It's Christmas Eve and soon we will celebrate with family, drinks, food, and cheer.

Figuring out what makes my daughter happy or upset has been a somewhat difficult task these past few weeks. They say "just hang in there, it'll get better" whenever thoughts of quitting breastfeeding arises. I'd say the same thing to a new mom about baby blues. Because it does get better. For me, week 1-5 were a struggle. It was sort of like the first trimester of my pregnancy when all I could think about was surviving the morning sickness and praying for that light at the end of the tunnel to get here sooner. Now that I head toward week 6 (supposedly another growth spurt, bring it on, boobs are fully loaded) I have a better outlook.

Because baby is happier and that makes me happier. I finally figured out her tummy problems. I diagnosed her with acid reflux and her pediatrician confirmed. A week on Zantac along with some probiotics to help with the development that didn't quite finish in the womb and she is getting to be much more comfortable. Her blood curdeling screams from 10pm-3am are calmed with come gripe water now versus hours of holding her tummy down, neck under my palm while I cry her to sleep.

My mother-in-law spent a night to help me re-group. It was one of the best Christmas presents I could have asked for. Getting 6 hours of sleep makes mommy wake up a brand new woman. And Ky loves her Grammie so of course she wasn't nearly as fussy as she usually is for me.

shopping with ky

This year begins our first of many Christmases hosted at our house. I am excited to introduce our own frmily traditions to Kylan and I hope I can make this holiday a memorable one for her. More on that in a later post. For now I will finish with the Christmas Eve prepping while enjoying a glass of wine in my festive glass Laura bought me. Merry Christmas!

11 days


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