Mid-life Kylan Crisis

I was away from her for two days (more like 43 hours but who's counting?) and it seemed like an eternity. I sat on the couch texting friends asking what they were doing while  watching On Demand shows. I looked through my Instagram feed past the days before I was pregnant to figure out what the hell I did with my life back then. Oh yeah, nothing. That's why I had a baby, remember?

I had what I call a "mid-life Kylan crisis" the other day. She's 6 months old. Every day past May 13th she's becoming less of a baby. Closer to becoming a toddler that asks "why" way too many times, closer to becoming a defiant teenager, closer to moving out... (I know, I know not that close). I can't help it. I'm a planner and to think of a life without Ky, well that's just not a life I ever want to be a apart of.

 Kylan 4 days old

 Kylan today

She giggles when you bury your face in her belly and laughs when you make funny faces. She hunts down her pacifier like a needle in a haystack and puts it back in her mouth on her own. She has held her own bottle for a while now but appreciates any assistance you will give her. As of now I like to think of her as "independently dependent." Not too reliant on mommy and daddy but if they are gone for long enough she will greet them with the biggest toothless grin (another thing I will miss soon, not in any rush for teeth to come in) as if they were gone for an eternity.

Our weekend was full packed with a graduation party, cookout, charity walk, friends, family, and sunshine. Kylan was tolerant of it all. She is a big fan of discovering new things and places just like her parents who are explorers by nature.

Summertime means campfires, s'mores, dirty feet, corn on the cob, beer, farmer's tans, swimming, tubing, and hiking. Just as Ken lives for Winter, I live for Summer. Kylan will live for it all. That's the beauty of creating a child. You get to shape them into the humans you always wanted to be.

 Remember that time I forgot I had a white child and didn't pack sunscreen or a sunhat? 

Every age comes with new developments and more fun. I have to remember this when I dwell on the fact that my baby is growing up. Because one day I will hear her call me "mama" and my heart will swell bigger than it has since the day I first laid eyes on her.


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