{Random post} Today, I am annoyed

I'm annoyed because it isn't snowing yet.
Now why on earth would THAT be annoying?
Because no snow means no work for Kenneth which means stress for Kayla, the one and only sole provider.

I'm annoyed because my father has threatened to not pay the rest of the wedding all because he thinks Ken and I shouldn't get married. Which sort of has to do with point A.

I am annoyed that I care so much about money and how it affects my mood.

I am annoyed because Ken isn't trying 'hard enough' to my liking in finding a job and he is still spending as friviously as though he is still employed.

And I am mostly annoyed because this wedding is in less than 6 weeks and it is stressing me the F out!
On the bright side, I got promoted about 3 weeks ago and it came at the perfect timing. We now can afford health insurance (fortunately it will not go into affect until the new year, and I say fortunately because Ken's last visit to the ER would have cost us a whopping $1500 which is our deductible). And we can now survive off of my sole salary.

Funny how timing works huh? It makes you believe in the whole everything happens for a reason saying for REAL. To me it's all coincidence though. But sometimes, sometimes it's seriously uncanny how good that 'coincidence' can be like how my mom lost her roomate right around the time Ken and I decided we should give in and live with her to save money. Or how it took me TWENTY-TWO interviews to land the job I have now and the day before I was hired I was offered a job at Perfumania. I seriously would have killed myself if I were working at the Mall with a whole bunch of 16 year olds straight out of the university for a little over minimum wage. The biggest random event that almost seems to be a purposeful one was Cali. She was found on Ken's father and grandfather's grave stone. She keeps us in check by yelling at us when we fight and we can just tell she loves us with her entire soul, and so do we.

Maybe there's someone pulling the strings, you never know. Maybe life is all planned out. Maybe not. All I know is faith is important. Especially if it gives you strength and makes you a better person. I just have a hard time believing.

I do however believe in:
Is Christmas less important when you are not religious? Absolutely not. Giving, family, love, and appreciation can be celebrated whether you believe in God or not. In fact they should be celebrated every day :)

I believe in yoga and stretching. And my cats like to hang out on the floor with me while I do it:

Lastly, to end this completley random post that doesn't flow together whatsoever, I'll leave you with a recipe that had such high hopes but made Ken puke his brains out.

Roasted cinnamon sugar pecans:
Mix a cup of egg whites with pecans. Comine 3/4 cup sugar, 3 tablespoons of cinnamon, 1 tsp of salt. Mix with pecan/eggs. Roast for a couple of minutes.


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