Good weekend

Ken's work holiday party was a huge success.

 Open bar. Need I say more?
And delicious free food. Note my feast over on the left and Ken's lack of selections on the right. Poor guy. They did however accomodate by brining out some tenders later in the evening :)

Outdoor PRIDE Landscaping is so lucky to have him and when they called his name to stand up I was grinning from ear to ear like a proud momma on her kids kindergarten graduation day.

I was feeling SO good that night that Ken and I did something we never did before...I'll leave it at that ;)
 Sunday's are by far my favorite day of the week. A little bit of relaxation, cleaning, cooking, working out, you know, those "I feel accomplished" kind of days.

Ken made us some pancakes while I made myself a smoothie.

Then I made the house heavenly with this recipe:
1 orange peel
tons of cinnamon
clove *optional
Boil and sit back and enjoy

And we finished off the weekend right with some drinks and nachos. Totally defeating the purpose of my intense cardio workout earlier in the day ;)


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