Dream Life

**Although wine may have been a serious factor, in how sappy I got, these vows are truly from the heart**

To my soon to be husband:

My one and only love. My first, my last. My everything.


I'll spare you all the mushy, gushy feelings I have toward my fiance. The feelings that took years to actually express to this man who waited oh so 'patiently' for me. But know this, sometimes I have doubts. Serious doubts. Like what the fuck am I doing? kind of doubts. And most of the time I am in pure bliss. Like head over heels, I'll die for you, right now, seriously, not kidding. Because I have found my counterpart, who I can often hate and love at the exact same time, and that my friend is what life is all about...

And this:
 Three cats watching everybody loves raymond with us.

 As well as a reminder note taped to the wall by future hubs:

And certainly a chic-fil-a christmas village for future aspirations:

Speaking of future aspirations. How motivating are they? I don't think Pinterest would have been invented if it wasn't for our hopes and inspirations. It is so important to have wishes and wants. Places to see, people to meet, things to create. That is certainly what we are here to do. To live every day. So if you haven't joined that site, I encourage you to do so. And let me know if it has inspired you. It certaintly has done so for me. Like tonight, I made this recipe and it was delicious, as expected. It has motivated me to create more healthy recipes everyday.

I hope you are motivated to live your dream life. It's going to be completely different than mine in every possible way. That's what makes it special.


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