
I had just gotten back from one of the most amazing nights of 2011. Our holiday/my surprise bridal shower party thrown by my co-workers. I had had enough wine and stufff to give me a good buzz and all the girl gossiping got me excited to get home to my forever partner and share my night with him. I also got a cute new snowman paired ornament which I was excited to show Ken; however, I broke the legs and arms off while trying to search for my keys, but that's NOT the point...
I took a nice bath after we went out for some midnight snacks at Cactus Jacks. Not more than 6 minutes into said relaxing bath Ken agressively told me I need to get out. He is having an allergic reaction. He needs benadryl. "No, please no, not tonight!", were my selfish first thoughts. My second thought though was, "shit, I think those were the pink pills that I lieterally JUST threw out because I was in a cleaning frenzy and a) could not find a home for them and b) did not know what they were for." To the ER we go...Damnit. *note to self do not throw away any random pills again EVER

Now when serious life calls, no matter how 'not in the mood you are,' you have to answer. And when it's life or death matters, obviously there are no questions. So it's 1:30am on a Saturday right now. Only the crazies are at the ER like the girl next to us screaming at the top of her lungs from having to get a spinal tap. She's diagnosed with viral meningitis. Did I just hear 'viral?' and 'meningitis'. I hope these curtains are enough protection from those spreading germs, <slides to the farthest corner of the room>. And then there's the guy down the hall screaming profanity and how he wants to die. Could it be a heroin withdrawal? GET ME OUT OF THIS PLACE.

My dear Kenneth is broken out all in hives and his face is swollen. He is redder than a fire truck and he's scratching his head like he has a serious case of the lice. I wanted to be there for him, I really did, and I believe I was by just being present in the room, but unfortunately all I could think about though was "why do you never inform the cooks about your allergies" and "I am so freaking tired right now I could die anddd I have to work in 5 hours."
So that was that night. Ken is fine now. I made it to and from work with a minor slip up of almost putting diesel gas in my car. And I still have the memories of a night that will never be forgotten.

Some happy stuff:
 Oh how I wish that it didn't make me so jittery because I do love me some pumpkin coffee.
Homeade popcorn: I sense a future children's party in the works...circus theme maybe?
Thanks boys for helping to make our room in this place finally our room
Is that Ken frosting his red velvet cake on our new super soft suede comforter?!
 I believe it is ;)

I made this homeade body scrub and it is heavenly:

1 cup of brown sugar
1 cup raw oatmeal
1 cup olive oil
*mix and apply to skin gently (or aggressively if you have calluses on your feet like me) and rinse off in shower
**skin will feel like BUTTER
This stuff is amazing. I sense a cheap christmas present in the future :)

It's also important to know that the oatmeal will fall off and it's veryy messy so I advise you to put a towel on the floor.
And also note that if you have a fat mals like I do she will lick your legs because it probably tastes just how it feels, like butter :)


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