
My morning shake is prepared:

Mango, greek yogurt, soy milk, strawberries, honey, blueberries, and SPINACH.

This baby gives me enough energy to last until lunch time. And it is so easy to prepare/enjoy in my awesome new blender system with convenient travel size cups. Highly recommended.

Ken: "that's nastyyyy".
As I watch him snack on pringles, oreos, donuts, and dr. pepper simultaneously.
I did nothing I was supposed to do this weekend, specifically figure out the quotes/verses and structure of the ceremony and email it to our justice of the peace.

I did however spend some quality time with my girlfriend Glynnis down in Boston which was HIGHLY overdue so I can check that off the list ;)

P.s. I do not recall ever having to make the decision between sandals or uggs this time of year. I'm in love. But I digress...

Chicken soaked in soy sauce wrapped in applewood bacon dipped in brown sugar with a little bit of chili power. Heavennn.

I do not recall how this came up but it was pretty friggin hilarious.
Me: "OMG let's play how many words we can think of that has to do with Operations! Wait, is that what it's called?" {jumping up and down excitedly}
Glynnis: "YES! ummm Six Sigma. Boo yahh!"
Me: "Uh, uhhhh cycle time!!"
Glynnis: Spits it out like we were playing a fast round of jeapordy, "BOTTLENECK!"
Me: completely stumped after that one, "You win!"
Glynnis: "We absolutely should have been playing this game since a while ago."
Me: "yes, since the second we graduated and especially with social psych."

Then we drank some wine while indulging in our snack and watched Crazy, Stupid Love. And once we finally relaxed and I stopped comparing Ryan Gosling to Scottt Disick we got super into it. Glynnis was even crying. It was that good.

'Nough said :D


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