Today I'm hormonal

I had a weekly prenatal visit this morning. I dragged Ken along. After peeing in the cup, I frowned at the fact that it was way too dark to be normal. Then I awaited the dreaded weigh-in, like I'm some sort of gymnast competing for a spot on the Olympics team. I hate that friggen scale.

I gained 5 pounds since two weeks ago. I am above my goal of 200. I cried with little sympathy from Ken who says "you're pregnant."


After our appointment I dragged Ken once again to pick up this pottery barn rug I found on Craigslist. He insisted we not get it and just buy a new one. I am too much of a bargain hunter to pass up a pottery barn rug for the amazing price of $20. As the lady rolled up in her white escalade I joked; "you can find us in the '95 corolla with the sweet rims." I kid to hide the embarassment I feel toward my piece of junk whip.


So I'm in full on nesting mode. Ken wants me to "calm down" and I repeatedly tell him "I cannot, I cannot!" like a crackwhore addicted to cleaning "Kylan is COMING". I mean this is what the couch looked like almost 2 weeks ago:

....It still looks like that.

Hormones are no joke. I had a nervous breakdown tonight. Ken had to console me whilst I cried in his arms in the fetal position. Can't say I won't miss being the 'baby' anymore. I know I will have to put on my grown-up pants soon (at least in front of her).

On a good note, we did purchase this new bedding from Macy's today with my gift cards I deservedly earned from my work. Ken picked it out and it' so perfect, plus it's Marth Stewart brand ;). Except the curtains we had don't match anymore.

Hi Cals, get out of the crib. I love you.


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