
There's a full moon and a hurricane approaching. Maybe baby will make her appearance or maybe work will lose power and I'll have an unexpected day off. Either would be lovely.

Ken: "If Kylan is born during the Hurricane, we'll name her after it. Sandy Boyer."


We toured the labory & delivery/ maternity floors of the hospital last weekend after an eventful wedding (Keith got kicked out for being too drunk and Ken got shut off after giving attitude to the bartender). I was shocked that I was able to waltz right in without someone stopping me, but I was reassured by their security measures once they went over their baby anklet bracelet procedure. And it all hit me at once when I saw the room I'd be staying in. I'm having a baby here soon, can't say it didn't make me feel anxious.


Choosing a daycare has proven to be challenging. Our first one is now full so we toured a larger facility. We really liked it, especially the fact that they go on walks with the children. It's more expensive though and my mom is really offended that we are not going with her. I told her "mom, you're 50, do you really want to be taking care of a newborn right now??". She didn't like that too much.


I am trying to soak in the here and now. I know the future is drastically changing and I've also been known to forget living in the present when I'm so anxious for the future. Even simple things like going to the movies or playing an hour long game (every night for the past few nights recently) will prove to be challenging.


This is my last week of work, pending that she arrives by November 14th. I'm esctatic!


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