A lazy Sunday

I really am trying to enjoy these last days of just us, considering I submitted my Grad school application today and Kylan will be here in the next month. Days like these --waking up when I please and spending it watching Mumford & Sons with the kitties on my lap while I attempt to make cake pops for my hubby (fail) will be few and far between.
Oh so when the directions read 'do not overheat chocolate wafers' they meant not to let them get all chunky consistency like I did?


I came home from work yesterday and excitedly showed Ken the fall/Halloween decorations I purchased from the dollar store. My energy rubbed off on him and vice versa and before you knew it we were jumping up in down like two pre-schoolers ready for art class. I made this out of ribbon and doiles shaped like leaves:
And this centerpiece for our coffee table:
I can always count on Ken to make sure we have candy in the house:
I liked this for our window:
And we decorated our front yard:


I'm excited to start traditions for Kylan like baking Christmas cookies and Easter egg hunts. I can't help being an overachiever by nature. And being a mother, my most anticipated adventure yet, will be trying. Because I know everything can't be perfect. I know I will be making mistakes and I will fail. But that's the beauty of motherhood right?

Today is our last birthing class. I can't believe it's been 12 weeks. Ken is ecstatic.


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