
The leaves on the trees are falling faster than the normal Fall pace and they are rapidly changing colors. The foliage peaked this past weekend. I'm tempted to put on my heat, but instead my cheap ass will wrap myself in blankets and sweaters.

I toured a daycare today. I know I need to look at others but I think this is the one. It's so close to my house and they allow me to come visit on my lunch breaks. There are only 3 other infants (20 children in total). I like that it's small. I left the place with a depressing thought of having to send my child 'away' after maternity leave. I already know how hard this is going to be on me.

Ken and I are making progress at therapy. We went into our childhood today. I'm curious to see how she will use the past to help us with our future. I got emotional speaking about my dad not coming to our wedding. I need to get answers, soon.

Kylan's nursery is pretty much finished. We will be adding a changing pad and a rug.


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