Days like this

Yesterday I had the day off. I woke up at 11AM to the rain drops pattering at my bedroom window. It was far past my breakfast time and belly was roaring. I decided a salad in the tub this morning sounded just about right. Pre-pregnancy I loved baths. Currently, I am obsessed with baths. And considering I plan on a water birth, it only seems fitting.

Speaking of water births. Three things made me cry this day. The first was watching an actual water birth on TLC's "A Birth Story." If you haven't seen it, this show shoes live births, blood, screams and all. I became far too obsessed with in college and would watch it in-between classes in the Towers dorm rec room, on a very large tv. If someone came in to study, I was only slightly mortified. But I digress from the point, seeing that mom bring her wriggling baby up to her chest made my heart burst.

I continued my chill morning with some more reality tv. I watched the Tia and Tamera show. It was Tia's baby shower episode and Tamera was giving her sister a speech about how excited she was to be an Aunty. Immediate tears.

I thought I couldn't possibly have anymore tears left, but then I had to watch my all-time favorite show The Big C. If you don't own Showtime, buy the DVD. If you do have Showtime, WATCH IT. After Cathy is battling Cancer and gets turned down by adoption agencies she "puts it out to the universe" that she wants to adopt and at the end of the episode she gets a response. I love you Cathy!

Speaking about "putting things out to the universe." You should try it sometime. I am trying to feel very 'zen' like lately and this is one thing I need to work on. And really shout it, if you want it. "I WANT A HEALTHY BABY!" And so I shall get one :)

Ironic because my co-worker the other day goes "Ken is so calm and zen-like. I bet he never gets angry or argues with you right? He's nothing like you." If she only knew! But yes, he is nothing like me. Very much the yin to my yang.

So today my fellow banker and I took a prenatal yoga class. I am in love. The kegal exercises ranked high on the list as well as the vocal one. I am ready preparing for birth! At the end of the class she basically put us to sleep for 10 minutes after dimming the lights and putting on relaxing wind chime and wooden instrumental music. Baby and I are totally connected right now.

I did yoga on demand on my day off too.

I challenge you to have a day full of peacefulness and relaxation. Try meditation or lighting candles with some soft music. It does wonders for the body. Then put something you really want out to the universe and see what happens.

12 weeks. Not quite showing yet. Just fat.


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