Happiness is

Days like this.

And weekends like this.
Sunsetting on waterfalls after a long day of swimming and fun.

Hayrides and excited little girls waiting for her turn to ride "the flume."

The water was cold. But next time we go up you better believe a river float is happening.

Nutella, strawberries, grahm crackers, marshmallow, and hershey's chocolate = heaven.

Live band!

Yes, that would be my tambourine that I jammed with all night long.
Hubby got drunk. Can't say I wasn't jealous.

... Now when Ken and I go on "holiday" (I thoroughly enjoy hearing this phrase used, especially if it's said with a British accent) we go all out. There are the people who like to relax on the beach and read a book when they go on vacation. Of course that's a must but we also enjoy getting out and sightseeing, exploring battleships, going on ghost tours, ziplining, etc. You only live once you know.

This Memorial Day weekend was no different. I found myself yearning for the child who is developing inside me to grow up already so he/she could be doing what were doing this weekend. Ken and I already have big plans for you kiddo.

There's no way of avoiding this candy store when we are in town.

We went to the White Mountains Visitor center to act like we were tourists. In the left-hand corner Ken left his mark "Manchvegas, NH."

We learned a lot about the history of our forests, lands and animals. NH history is far more interesting than it was in HS.

We went to check out the prices of mini-golf and we ended up riding the Hobo Railroad instead.

One day we will ride this with our children -- they better behave better than the rowdy children next to us.

...Weekends like that fill up my soul...

Omg I died when I saw this photo. I need to copy.

16 weeks. Baby now sees light and I will soon feel him/her move. Please excuse the mess, my sister just "cleaned" her room...

Nurse says I'm gaining too much weight (oh 13 pounds is too much? ;) and I need to exercise more. My yoga and walking to work is not enough apparently. Well baby doesn't like water and juice is a lot of calories. Oh pregnancy woes...


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