I need to blog more

I blog as a way to keep a record of my life. I have this idea that one day when I'm old, kids all grown up, and Ken is forced to listen to my boring stories from lack of any other companionship in his life; I will read my blog to him. I will show him the stories of us falling in love. The tales of when we were fighting in the car and I tried jumping out. And the best ones yet, the journeys of our children developing into people with their own distinctive personalities.

Blogging is important to me. But life gets in the way and it's put on the back-burner. It's not an excuse, it's the truth.

Yesterday was gorgeous and so is today. As I sit here typing away on my sister's mac after a game of skip-bo out on our new patio set listening to Rihanna-- I could really use a margarita, but I won't push it.

Last weekend was mother's day and I love how holidays give the people you love an excuse to all come together. I spent half the day at Aunt Sue's lake house listening to Gram tell her stories of her sweet gentleman husband, "the best man in the world." It was my first mother's day and Jean did not forget that. She bought me a baby sling and nursing cover which I love. I do have to say that I enjoy the attention of being pregnant. I like the constant questioning of "how are you feeling?" and "can I get you anything?" and this day wasn't any different. Aunt Sue asked me how I was and I did reply "good, nausea is subsiding unless I drink water or anything with artificial sweetener in it. Just trying to live, without effecting my quality of life." Why did I have to add that? It sounded selfish.  But if I want a hot bath or to eat sushi, both things I am prohibited from doing while pregnant, I don't care.

When I want to be really honest with myself, I would say that being selfish is probably my worst quality. I could blame it on my parenting, but regardless, it's a distinctive quality of mine. Being a mother is a selfless job. If my baby needs me but I'm tired and running a temp of 102 degrees, my baby comes first. I know these things and I am glad I can acknowledge it.

Speaking of selfish. My mother did not even think about wishing me a "happy Mother's day", no instead she asked if I could buy her this $80 ring from Macy's for her.

My sister and I enjoyed a really amazing James Morrison concert last night. His voice is probably in the top 10 sexiest voices ever to be recorded.

"Well I know that it's a wonderful world
From the sky down to the sea
But I can only see it when you're here, here with me."

Note the man around 28 seconds and his marching band, pedaling a step master, dance moves...all night long. This was a slow song so he calmed it down but boy can really pedal when the songs gets fast.

There was a point at the end of the concert that I decided to lay down on the really comfy lounge couches and listen to Mr. Morrison's soothing music and this drunk lady comes over to me "oh you look comfy" and I reply "yeah I'm pregnant. It's nice." "OH you lucky duck!" Heavily breathes alcohol breath all over me, "When I was 9 months pregnant I had jury duty and had to sit in these awful desks for 5 hours. Very uncomfortable." I love how woman like to share their pregnancy stories with you, especially the drunk ones, no matter how terrible they are.


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