She'll come when she comes.

Ken has asked me several times now "Could you just go into labor already??" and my response is always "NO! Not until November. Kylan is a November baby."

I am partial to November for several reasons.

  1. My vacation starts November 3 - 13 and I will lose those much earned hours (haven't had vaca since our honeymoon in January) if I give birth earlier.
  2. I have a hospital tour scheduled this weekend. I need to be prepared (paperwork signed, where I will go once in labor, etc.) before she comes.
  3. I have a water birth class scheduled at the hospital on October 29. If I go into labor before then I will not be able to have my baby in the tub. A huge desire of mine.
  4. My hospital bag is not packed! (still need baby book, nursing bra/tank, birthing gown, maternity underwear, and belly bandit)
  5. We have a wedding to go to this weekend.
  6. November 10th is a special day being that my dear lost friend Ed was born then as well as it being the date that Gram and Grandma married their lovely husbands.
  7. November personalities are always my favorite. Take Elena for example :)
  8. I am actually not that uncomfortable. Baby can cook as long as she wants. Plus, babies born between 39-41 weeks are proven to have higher IQ's.
  9. The longer I have until she comes, the longer I get to be with her into the new year, before grad school begins in January.
  10. I'm not in any rush for my boobs to start leaking, no sleep, and a loss of independence.
Now that being said, I want to meet my daughter more than anything in this world right now and her birthday will be special no matter what date it is. Let it be known, I will be sending an eviction notice come Thanksgiving if she is still not here.
Mommy pumpkin, Kylan pumpkin, Daddy pumpkin.
We will be carving them soon. Daddy is getting impatient, he would like some pumpkin seeds with a side of Kylan please.


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