"Stop being such an anal bitch"

FYI that was over me not letting him play with my almost C-cup boobs ;) He was kidding. But yeah, my husband is really the sweetest man ever. No seriously.
He delivered these to my work yesterday. Aren't they pretty?

Birthdays get less and less important as you get older and it's sad but it's the truth. My children's birthdays will be a huge deal. I'm thinking circus themed where we can pull out all of Ken's kitchen gadgets like pretzel, popcorn, churo making machines (need to get a cotton candy one!). Or maybe a tea party? We can all eat crumpets and dress in old-fashioned British clothes. Yeah.

We are obsessed with corn this time of year, it's very exciting.

But I digress. Besides the blow-up on my facebook wall and the brownies my co-workers made me, yesterday was a pretty ordinary day. I have no complaints, however. After all, I got free food! And learned how to be an extreme couponer!!

We get to the place where this Couponing bootcamp is to take place and we are shocked to see........5 people. And quickly found out that these 5 people happen to be the most annoying people ever. The old lady who is traveling 48 states (solo I'm assuming) was the worst. Stop talking to me. Thanks for the info about all the freebies I can get on my birthday. Sure, I'll plan for NEXT year. And we don't care other lady who likes to piss off cashiers and hold up lines so she can get her $5 off, that Target doesn't offer rain checks...stop arguing with the presenter! And how stupid are you? "Does liking things on Facebook slow down your computer?"

So we survived that class and now Jean and I are ready to tackle an extreme shopping trip (I think)! Hopefully there's a good sale going on. I shall keep you all updated.

**** Happy to be 24 and comfortable with where I am in life. 3 years ago I remember thinking: "Wouldn't it be just the most awful thing to be pregnant on my 21st birthday?! I NEED to drink alcohol on my 21st." *****

But this year? This year I basked in all the "Happy birthday Mom/Mama" posts. Every single one of them made my heart flutter just a little bit.


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