Early Birthday Post

My aunt just called me to wish me a happy birthday. It's tomorrow. I won't tell her.

Steph took me to an early birthday concert last night in BOSTON.
Here's the thing with Boston. We have this sort of love/hate relationship. I see all the runners and the nice weather and the Charles and I'm all "ohh, I LOVE this city. Look at the buildings! The vibe." Then we almost smack into the car in front of us because he just slammed on his damn brakes and HE has the nerve to honk!? And look at all the homeless people begging for money. Where the F are we going to park??! I HATE this city. But wait! Could it be? A parking spot! Now let's walk down Comm Ave holding hands while I pretend to be a BU student again :)

The concert was amazing. Even despite the fact that a Red Sox game was happening oh, less than 100 feet away raising parking prices up to $45 and the smell of all the fans with booze breathe made me queasy. Moot points.

Now for those who haven't listened to Ben Rektor or Needtobreathe, highly recommended. I was pleasantly surprised to find I enjoyed Ben more than Needtobreathe especially since Need got me through my break-ups with Ken so we have a little nostalgia there. I blamed it on the fact that by the time Need and all their loudness came on these drunk girls doing the dos-i-doe and taking obnoxious pictures next to me were pissing me off and I was tired.

This cover of Whitney Houston's "Dance with Somebody" was definitely a highlight of the night and you should watch it. Pregnancy disclaimer: Don't dance with eyes closed while with child. May cause extreme dizziness.

Tomorrow I'll be going to Extreme Couponing Bootcamp with my Mother-in-law and I am PUMPED. Stay tuned :)

Here's my fat pic for today:


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