Baby on Board!

Since I've posted last, a LOT has changed. Ken and I got married on January 21st and the entire event was PERFECT. We then went on a 10-day cruise to the Eastern Caribbean. No words to describe that experience. Our new-found honeymoon phase was now in full-force ;) When we got back home we found the perfect 2 bedroom duplex in the backyard of my work (literally) and moved in March. I also found out the best news yet...

I'm pregnant!!

Now going on 9 and a half weeks, we finally are deciding it's time to announce it to the world. After seeing our little bean's 175bmp heart beating away during an ultrasound yesterday, we fell so deeply in love with our precious baby due November 14th, 2012. It was a surreal experience and I could have cried when I saw the little fetus do a couple of twitches in my belly.

This sure has been the most eventful year of our lives and we are so very ready and excited for this next chapter in our book.

Little bean up close!

Ken catching up on his mommy magazine reading in the waiting room. Getting prepared, you know.

Belly at 4 weeeks. You should see it now :O


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