Extreme Makeover

Chaos in the world brings uneasiness, but it also allows the opportunity for creativity and growth.” -- Tom Barrett

I wouldn't say I'm 'nesting' per se, but I sure as hell am getting my life in order. I find myself analyzing the perimeters thinking: "That coffee table with the sharp edges? That's got to go. Or "Why are there no rugs in this house?? Baby is going to have serious bruises on his knees from these hardwood floors!" And yelling, "MOOSE, STOP CLAWING THE COUCH! Babe, we need to get these cats de-clawed ASAP."

My mom came over earlier last week and she could sense I was on edge. I complained about my appearance and she provided the perfect solution, an extreme makeover! We went shopping and got my living room to look more presentable. I still need some wall art and another curtain for our french doors, however. 

And then she took me to get my hair done. Oh, the burn! I researched about getting a chemical relaxer during pregnancy and could not find a single article convincing me not to have one done. But damn is my scalp sensitive right now! I had her take it off way earlier than normal and for anyone who has african american hair or has seen Chris Rock's "Good Hair" special KNOWS we keep them relaxers on as long as possible. WATCH THIS IF YOU HAVE NO IDEA

So I'm feeling a lot less stressed now that I have a couple of things in order with my life. We also got a car seat for FREE. Stephanie's friend won the exact same car seat I put on my babies "R" Us registry (yes, I created a registry as soon as I found out I was pregnant) off of the radio! Ken was so cute lifting it up to show me how light it was and how to click it in and out of the base.

There are still so many things we have to do, like set up the nursery, but we have time. June 15th we find out the sex! And plan to throw a party June 16th. Can't wait. I also start my prenatal yoga class Wednesday so that should help out with my stress as well as my flexibility ; )


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