Slowing down

It's been a rough week. I found out my cats got worms and our new car got banged up when the hood smashed into the windshield on the highway (we're okay.) So I've been busy with that. Which in turn makes me think about how I don't blog as much as I'd like to. I don't clean as much as need to. And I stupidly wait until Sunday night when my assignments are due to start my homework.

But I'm okay  with that because I'm spending most of my days loving on my baby. And so isn't everyone else.

Reunited with some friends and it felt so good.

This life is a balancing act. For example, since I've started this post Cali has decided to step on Ky which in turn woke her up and I had to pat her butt back to sleep until my arm was sore. I struggle with the demands of work and grad school all the while trying to be a good friend, wife and mother. It's a miracle that I find time for myself. And honestly, I really don't. My hair looks like mufasa's and let's not discuss when the last time I shaved my legs. Luckily, Ken forced me to buy some new shoes the other day because "I deserved it."

I'm committing to slowing down. I don't want to miss any second of my child's life because I was "too busy" with superficial matters such as a game of words with friends. This girl is changing like some sort of transformer every time I blink. As I find time to write in her baby book I look back on the day she was born and I'm amazed at the difference. It helps me to think about that day, her birthday, over and over again. You know those memories you never want to forget? Like my wedding day. I make sure to spend some time every now and then recollecting all of the moments of those days so that I can relive them forever.

When I look back on my life these are the memories I want to remember. Her little thunder thighs being rubbed with lotion after a nice warm bath. Daddy dressing her up like the Taliban. Her attempt to roll over every time you place her on her back and when she accomplishes this she flips out that she's on her tummy.

This week has been trying but I believe having the ability to laugh at life's challenges and pick yourself up is the only way to learn and to get your perspective back. I used to dwell in the "why me" situations, but I'm learning what does that accomplish?

As long as I have my family and these amazing memories that will last a lifetime life is good.


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