Serious mojo

The last few days I found my "Super Mom" underwear and I put them on proudly, accepting the transformation that comes with wearing super power underwear. It was as if I were some sort of supernanny or other type of caregiver that has her shit together.

We had a play date with some lovely new 'mom friends.' I emphasize mom friends because they deserve their own special category. They help me realize that yellow poop is normal, sleeping through the night is a sick joke that the government made up so that the world would continue to expand and women would continue to have babies, and they are there to just let you vent...with wine. Oh yeah, and the babies play of course.

I had come back from a nice refreshing play date in my nice new Mom car (toyota Rav 4) that I've dreamed about since before I was a mama and I was really digging this day. Ky was behaving so I decided we should do some shopping. I step foot into the store and she becomes that child that everyone wants to strangle. She's screaming bloody murder and one would think that she was in some serious pain if they didn't know any better. But they don't so they stare me down instead as my face turns red and I do everything I can to get her to quiet. I have no other choice but to feed her. Of course I chose to leave her diaper bag in the car and I am not yet, nor may I ever be, comfortable with nursing in public without my cover (I give props to my cousin who can). So that leaves me the bathroom stall. I pop a squat on the toilet seat and feed my baby. Gross.What's grosser though? The chick in the stall next to me taking a dump.

Yeah that happened.

Good thing she's cute!

I also checked a few other things off the never ending to do list. I got Ky's Easter bunny pics done. I found the bunny to be super creepy. Ky was not impressed, she was far more interested in the colorful plants that surrounded the backdrop. I enjoyed dressing her up most of all. I mean let's be serious, photo ops are more about us than them anyway.

I think I'll have her wear a dress every day from now on.

I also managed to give my baby a bath, get a couple of A's on my homework assignments, clean the whole house in an effort to look presentable for the Spa Party I'm hosting Saturday (can't wait!), and break the soap dispenser in the bathroom.

I did not however get to do the project I desperately hope to complete for Easter cards.

Regardless, I think I've got some serious mojo going on right now and I'm digging it. My sister will be coming home for good this week and it's going to be almost 60 degrees Easter Sunday. AYOOOOO


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