
I surprised my sister with a visit home last week. I purchased the tickets impulsively and kept it a secret for two long days. Her excitement when she found out made my heart smile.

The excitement wore off quick however because an hour into her visit I happened to leave her clutch which had her iphone, license, and credit cards in it on top of the roof of the car and drive off. What are sisters for right?? But we aren't going to talk about that because it ended working out and this blog is my happy place.

So yeah, even if my stupid moments and her stubborness gets on each other's nerves, a sister bond is unbreakable. We get each other in ways no one else could ever imagine. Like at 1AM rolling around on the ground in a fit of laughter over the fact that I bought not just one pair of red Minnetonka moccasins for Ky but TWO pairs before she was even born (size 6 months and 2 years and they are too cute for words thank you very much).

Steph's been Ky's caregiver for a week now. Even getting to act like a mom bringing her to errands and seeing all the strangers who want to stare and awe over her. Not too close though, Ky's caught her first cold this past week.

I really do love seeing the interaction between the two. As she says, "you can't get mad at her. It's not like any other baby you watch where you get frustrated and annoyed. She's like a part of me I feel. And even when she's cranky, she's just so cute... you just can't get mad."

I worried that Steph wouldn't get to experience my baby. How she is now compared to 10 days old. A lot has changed in three months. When she saw her last she was mastering eating, sleeping and pooping. Now she can talk "ah-gee" and "ah-goo" or just vibrates her lips to make a sort of "brrrr" sound. She has also found her fingers and will chow down on them to the point that she chokes herself quite frequently. If you don't pay attention to her she will yell and arch her back. She can be quite dramatic, like her mama. God forbid you let her go without food for longer than 2.5 hours. The beast lets go and don't you dare try to mess around and give her the paci during these fits of angers because girlfriend wants breastmilk and breastmilk  only. She's also a cuddle bug and is obsessed with her Aunty who can put her to sleep in less than 5 minutes.

But Steph has experienced all of it and she leaves next week with a whole lot more love for this child of mine. More love than she can handle. And we miss her already.

Seeing another person love her in the same capacity I do makes me emotional. I look forward to experiencing this bond and capturing it here on my blog throughout the years.

Not going to cry.

Too late.


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