The "breast" of times

The stigma associated with breastfeeding disturbs me. When talking with a formula feeding mama I can often sense their discomfort with the topic. Not to mention if there is ever a man or boy in the room, forget it. The simple word 'breast' bothers a significant portion of society and I really don't understand it. For example, my aunt's 8-year old grandaughter attended my baby shower and after I opened my breast pump gift she pulled my aunt aside.

Tiff: "Grammy what is breast feeding?"
Aunty: At a lost for words.. "um, let me go get your mother and have her explain it to you."
Tiff: "NO! I don't want to talk to her. You tell me."

My aunt, a woman who seems to have no issues with my choice to breastfeed or my blasé attitude about whipping it out in social settings, felt squrimish when asked by her grandaughter about it.

Should Kylan have any questions someday for me I hope to be able to educate her about the benefits of nursing and how important it was to me to give her the best start to life-- a 'head-start' to formula babies, I like to think ;) And I can show her this video from Sesame Street circa 1977.

Ken and I spent our New Year's with his family at his Aunt Mary's. It is a tradition I look forward to. Her home is very inviting and she makes every effort to have her guests feel comfortable and entertained. This year was the first time we came as parents. Our 7 week old was an angel for the 4.5 hour car ride and to my surprise, was not disturbed by the change of environment one bit. She cooed for Grandma, slept in 4 hour stretches for her surrogate caregivers (Barb and Aunt Mary), and slept peacefully in the arms of all her admirers.

So while I enjoyed myself with wine, games, family and baby loving I paid no mind to any nay-sayers that may have been unnerved by my lack of shame when speaking openly about my engorged breasts, hand expressing into a ziplock bag (yeahhhh), or feeding her in the middle of a crowd. I highly doubt anyone there would be bothered by my choice to feed my baby the most natural and healthiest way possible anyway.

 she loves it.
Happy New Year!!


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