jack of all trades

Being the young age of 24 it makes sense that all of my close friends are single and childless. When I got pregnant I worried that this would scare away some of those friends, or at least create awkward silences due to the fact that we had nothing in common anymore. But of course my fears were completely unjustified.

After a vent to one of my best friends about the stress of being a new mom and the feeling of losing my identity she confirmed that she could never see herself being a mom for fear of losing her "wild side." I reflected on that statement for a little while and came to the conclusion that the old me isn't gone, she's just subdued. Within all of us is a different person just waiting for the opportunity to come out and play. I wear many hats and depending on the day I can be a serious, business person who wears suits, shakes hands and throws out phrases like "return on investment" and "pleased to meet you." And then there's the ghetto bitch ready to throw down because you looked at me the wrong way. Or the bubbly, overly excited cheerleader who literally jumped up and down when she figured out a new storage idea in her closet. Of course she can be wild at times and that's never going to be change. This time last year she was throwing down shots like it's her job ready to boast her bachelerotteness:

So my point is the old me isn't gone, she's just grown up. And inside all of my friends, I don't care who you are, is the maternal instinct that causes you to wake up mid deep sleep to a crying baby while your man lays there mouth wide open snoring away. And inside all of us women is the capability to sacrifice, to put other's first, to be a good role model, and to leave that life of recklessness because that's your job no matter how hard it may be at times. 

My job right now is to raise this baby to be a kind, productive individual and she makes it so damn easy with all her cuteness.
um baby leg warmers...holy cuteness

Oh yeah I promised I'd update about her two month check-up. I have to say that I get excited about bringing her to the doctors. I don't know if that makes me a sick person but I genuinely like the responsibility of having this person that relies on me to make sure she gets to her appointments and thrives. Plus her pediatrician is just awesome and has known Ken since birth. The first thing he said was "wow, she has grown!" and double checked her age. He didn't give me grief that I might be overfeeding her he just marveled at how "good of a baby she is." All 12 pounds 12 ounces of her.

I didn't cry when she got her shots. I knew she would be okay. But I really didn't expect the terrifying scream that came out of her lungs. I pulled her close and nursed her immediately after so she would forgot about it quickly (only pulled away to let out a little yell once or twice). I can't wait for 4 month shots...not.


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