Kylan's Birth Story (TMI)

Ken and I prepared for labor with a 12 week class focused on natural husband-coached child birthing. Although my labor did not end up as planned, I have the most beautiful, healthy daughter out of it and I couldn't be anymore smitten by her.

I was sitting on the couch watching Revenge when I felt a gush. I thought "that felt like my period..." and jumped up and went to the toilet. A long drip of mucousy water came out. I ran back into the living room and called Ken.

Me: "Babe, are you ready to have a baby?!"
Ken: "No way! You are having contractions?"
Me: "My water broke."
Ken: "Should I come home??" (working)
Me: "No, it's okay. I'm not even contracting. I'll call the doctor. We have plenty of time." (Famous last words)

Later Ken told me how his emotions went rapid that evening as his mind shifted toward thoughts of his dad. Meanwhile, my mind was racing. I re-packed the hospital bags that were packed weeks before, adding my laptop, charger, baby book, etc. I was grateful for the frozen meals that I had prepared earlier that week and gave myself a good pat on the back for that one. I called my doctor who informed me that since I was group B negative and the water color was clear, that I could wait until my contractions got close together or until 6am, whichever came first. I went to sleep but got up every 10-20 minutes to pee/change my towel from the water leaking. I went through 2 diapers, 2 small towels, and 2 pairs of underwear! I took a bath, a shower, walked around, ate, and timed my contractions. They were irregular at 12-16 minutes apart and then dropping to 4-8 sometimes. I woke my Ken up at 5:45 to head to the hospital.

6am: I arrive at hospital: fingertip dilated, 50% effaced, -2
Ken and I walk the labor and delivery floor coming back sporadically to be monitored. While I lay in bed I listen to relaxing music and easily breath through contractions.
10am: 2-3cm (shockingbecause I had no consistent contractions), 50% effaced, -1 YAYYY!
Doctor insists that I start pitocin at noon to get my contractions more consistent and stronger. I want to push off the pitocin, I fear of a c-section and/or the intensity of the contractions. I walk around the floor, rock in a chair, eat an omelette and switch to the water birth room.
1pm: Pitocin is started at the lowest dose of 2. I bounce on the birth ball. I demand silence during my contractions and have Ken apply pressure to my back.
Now that I have an IV I must be constantly monitored. Baby girl comes off the monitor quite often and the nurse constantly comes in to adjust the band around my stomach. It makes me lose concentration during contractions and pisses me off.
3pm: Checked and I am still only 3cm but I am now 90% effaced, still -2
I eat some fruit that comes right up all over myself. I get undressed and labor in the tub, I stay in my bra for the rest of the night. Pitocin is at an 8 now and the contractions, although inconsistent and no longer than 30-45 seconds, are intense. I count down in my head starting at 30 sec, drop to 20 then skip some numbers to get me to 0 as soon as possible. I am relaxing as much as I can but certainly not quietly. There are moments where I would get into a zone and manage the pain well and then another layer would wash over me, and it would cause me to lose the focus that I already had going and panic would set in, I'd start yelling.
5pm: 6cm and Pitocin is upped and I demand something but not an epidural and they give me an IV drip of Nubain, I'm tired, cranky, and so beyond hungry. The Nubain makes me feel high. It does not take the pain away but it 'takes the edge off' just as the doctor had said it would.
7pm: 7cm and baby has gone back to a -2. I'm devastated and I am not allowed anymore Nubain.
9pm: 7cm still and pitocin is at a high dose. I cave and ask for the epidural. Doctor/nurse (who I loved) ensure me this will help labor progress. That I won't suffer back injuries. Not to worry about the cost (yeah I went there). That I'm not a failure. I labored for very long and my husband is proud of me. (although he did wish I declined cervical checks as it may have caused a different outcome).
9pm-11pm: Slept and woke up was at a 8cm with baby coming down to a 0.
11pm-2am: Numbness in legs makes me angry and also the fact that I have bad back pain. I thought the epi was suppose to help that! Pitocin is at an 18 in intensity (highest is 20) and I can't imagine what it would have felt like natural. Somewhere between the nurse and hubby rolling me over from side to side I felt pressure in my rectum and reached a 9.5, baby is low, 100% effaced.
2:30am: I am given the go-ahead to start pushing. I didn't find pushing to be too painful much as it  was just  a workout! You hae to exert a lot of energy from head to toe, and it's a struggle to not lose your breath. My contractions are every 2-3 minutes and they are lasting no more than 45 seconds. I have to use all my strength each contraction and make them count because they are not too effective. I push for an hour with Ken holding one leg and nurse holding the other. I scream in agony that this is going to take way longer than expected. The nurse consoles me that I am doing a good job, but I could tell that baby was stuck in behind the pelvic bone. An hour after that I am still pushing. Nurse vigorously applies vitamin E oil to my perenium to prevent tearing. I get myself up on to a bar. I want to try squatting. Nurse is shocked at my motor skills but I believe the epi had worn off for the most part. Around 5:30 I am DONE. I am yelling to my baby girl to please come out "Kylan why are you doing this to mommy?!!". I am asking the nurse “Can't you just get her out!? Can't you use a vacuum sucker thing. Something?!” Doctor confirms that this is the “only way out” she is too low at this point. I finally start making progress 15-20 minutes later and she is under the bone. Once she starts crowning everyone is getting excited while staring at my cooch "omg kayla she's right there, look at the hair!" and I demand SILENCE. Jean turns on a flashligt to see better. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? SHUT THAT OFF RIGHT NOW! They get the doctor and she comes out quiet and with eyes wide open and a mean face at 6:02 am. She scored a 7 Apgar for first minute due to her lack of crying but a 9 for the 5 minutes.

I just kept looking over at the table where they had her, watching the flurry of activity and tyring to avoid paying attention to what was happening down below. My placenta was being delivered and I had a minor tear and got stitched. The pushing on my uterus was really painful but by then I had my baby girl in my arms and she was trying to latch. It was surreal.

It's been nine days and everyday is better than the last. I don't understand post-partum depression. I am on cloud 9 right now.


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