Boredom can be motivating.

My vacation began this week and I have done nothing but take baths with candles lit, watched a Baby story every morning from 8-10, added an obnoxious amount of pins to my Pinterest boards, purchased these stickers for monthly photos of Kylan:

... and I've been eating A LOT. They say that as the baby grows she puts pressure on your organs and it makes you feel full faster. LIES.

I find boredom to be motivating. I can only be bored for so long, after I've exhausted all of my mundane tasks I get into something that I've been dying to do, like a project for example. I purchased a decal for a shirt I'm going to make Ken to wear in labor. I hope it comes in in time. I have it in my head now that she will be late. 11.21.12 would be just fine. My sister is coming up from NC on the 19th and I would love for her to be here for the delivery.
I really shouldn't complain about getting too many hours of sleep and relaxing baths. They are limited, I know. Naps will be something I think about nostalgically with a glazed over look "oh, back in the day I would take a mean nap." So I will enjoy them while they last.

I will also spend time savoring these memories of just Ken and I. At night I like to go over our life, "remember when we got high in Antigua?" or "remember when you would come to visit me at school after working full-time and going to school full-time just to sleep with me?". It's been 7 years of just us, we are ready for this new addition. And despite the occasional morning sickness in the beginning, I really can't complain about this pregnancy. Stretch marks and all.


I wasn't bored the other night while waiting in a 2 hour line for a Mitt Romney convention. I actually voted Republican this year. Shocking considering I do not beleive in many of his social views, including Pro Life. But I put that aside to trust in a man that may bring actual change, not promised change. Kid Rock performed, and although we had awful seats and could barely hear him, it was a great way to pass some time and get us motivated for the upcoming elections.

I can't say I was happy that Obama won, but I also can't say I was surprised either.


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