All the fall things.

First weekend of fall means cue all the fall things! aka photo session with Lenalu Photography ;)

In New Hampshire we get about 3 weeks of this season before the foliage colored trees turn bare and before we know it, we are freezing are asses off wondering why the hell we live here. So without hesitation, we must pick some apples damn it! And pumpkins. And cider donuts. ALL THE FALL THINGS! 

This is a sister wife tradition we've kept up for four years now. And they love it so much... just look at these faces!

Image may contain: 2 people

Last year, I lost Ky in the apple orchard for a solid 20 minutes. And she thought it was SO funny....

But seriously, I thrive on traditions and apple picking the first weekend of fall when it's still undoubtedly summer weather is our tradition. So I will fight the good fight and battle this wild child as she tries hard to wiggle herself out of my vice grip while dressing her and screaming bloody murder while attempting to tame this hair of hers: 
for the record, it was dad's day when I picked her up

 I can only hope that it's not the forced posing of "look at each other," or "now pick an apple," and "don't make that face" that they remember but instead it's the excitement of running through the orchard wide-eyed with a heavy bag full of apples in one hand and a best friend in the other.

I hope she remembers the way our house smelled in late September as she helped carefully measure the ingredients to make an apple crisp with her hard earned hand-picked apples. And I hope she can recall the mess I allowed her to make without me complaining during this baking sesh. (ok maybe there was some bitching that she needs to relax on the flour)

I ask myself every time, why are you doing this? And every time it's over and done with, Joanna sends me these gorgeous memories she captured, and I remember exactly why I go through all the effort.

I even got Matt to show up! (not an easy task)

I live for this season and all its festivities. The last three months of the year means more socializing, more parties, more food, and more togetherness. Next on the fall agenda... Halloween and my kid turning 6 ðŸ˜§


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