
Mumford & Sons makes my soul happy.

Therapy went well today and I am anxious for our next session. Ken's participation surprised me and he has promised at least 6-8 more sessions. Score!

Our maternity photos make me very happy. I doubted paying for them as much as I doubted doing them so 'early' in my pregnancy. But I am pleased with them. The sunlight was perfect.

My doctor continues to warn me about my weight gain (26 pounds thus far). She wants me to cut down on carbs. Last time I checked I passed my Diabetes test, I will eat what I want thank you.

But actually it's stressing me out. I want to lose all my baby weight and thensome after she comes. Plus, I'm praying she's average size unlike her nearly 10 pounder daddy. So I am trying to eat well. Really. This morning I made an amazing smoothie with pineapple greek yogurt, OJ, frozen fruit, and some flax seeds.

We got this Thanksgiving outfit for Kylan today. I am obsessed with it.

My home decorating itch is bothering me and it's time for some fall-ness up in here if you know what I mean. Maybe some acorn centerpieces? More on that later.


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