
Fall is coming and I've never been more ready for it. I've always been fond of spring -- the end of winter, flowers blooming, longer days. But Fall will now forever have a special place in my heart. My daughter will be coming soon and I count down the days until her expected arrival (54). The dip in temperature brings sweaters and colorful leaves and I am grateful for this climate change.

As I sit here writing, taking in the sweet smell of pine from our insence, listening to relaxing songs, I realize how much I've missed having a computer and bloging. I have just come back from a long trip to Tupperlake, NY where we celebrated the life of our Gram, Ken's great-grandmother, who passed last week on September 14th. I loved talking to Gram about her love for her husband, for baking, and sewing. She had a gracious soul and I am pleased to have Kylan take after her name; now Kylan Grace.

Lake Placid, NY

People are very eager to talk to me whilst being pregnant. I expect this to carry-on when Kylan comes as well. "How do you feel?" is probably the most common question I get. You know, honestly I feel great. Sure, the rolling out of bed to pee 3 times a night is rather annoying and sometimes Kylan sticks her bum way up in my rib cage, right under my bra, and I have to push her down to get comfortable. I still wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. I love my bump, and I love my baby girl. I bought her these adorable moccasins while in Lake Placid, NY. I've been obsessed with them since seeing them on Nella.

Next week Ken and I will attend our first marriage counseling session. It's been years since we've needed it and only recently has Ken agreed to go. As we work on our communicaiton, I believe it will help in preparing us for this huge change that is about to happen in our lives. At least I really hope it does.


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