
A good friend of mine died last month. Out of no where. He was at my wedding, and I cherish every single memory of those last days I spent with him. No one could not like Ed. He always made you feel comfortable and his wit was infectious. The night I found out, Ken told me after hearing it from Monica over the phone. I cried uncontrollably while Ken consoled me. I screamed out "I don't understand" while hyperventaliating and praying that it was not real. But the fact that I still do not know why he is gone makes it even worse. Of course these feelings could never compare to how my dearest friend Elena feels. When I entered college and had just broken up with Ken, I wished that I could be as cool as Elena. I saw how easy it was for her to make friends, to be so beautiful and to have the perfect relationship. My heart goes for her and her loss. They really were perfect <3

Love and miss you Ed. Life is short and I pray I never lose another friend this early in life. I need to vow to make an effort to communicate with my friends more often. If I can't hug them, I can send them a letter of thinking of them.

**Edited on 10/5: I had a dream about you. Moni was talking to Glynnis about what happened to you and she said you poisoned yourself. I didn't buy it and I looked into Moni's thoughts. You defended her against a venemous snake. That's how you died. As a hero.


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