Easter shame.

I spent the weekend doing birthday things AKA drinking large amounts of wine and taking naps (see previous blog post on turning 31). So needless to say, I wasn’t able to put too much effort into Easter for Ky. I did manage to come up with clues that led her to her Easter basket hidden in her closet but she was less than impressed. In fact, she told me, “I like the Easter bunny who came to my Dad’s house way, way, WAY better than the Easter bunny that came to our house.”

So I spent all day beating myself up for not trying hard enough. Because you know, #momguilt.

I should have known better. She has been obsessed with Easter eggs ever since discovering those damn kinder surprise egg YouTube videos as a toddler. So of course she would be disappointed with a quick scavenger hunt versus a drawn out egg hunt.

Fortunately, today is a new day. And despite the actual holiday being over, I can still continue the magic. So I had her wake up to eggs hidden all throughout the yard. Since I take this mom job very seriously. And I sure as hell won’t allow her dad to outshine me in the holiday magic category of parenting. THAT’S MY THING. 

I know this stage of being wide eyed and full of excitement over the little things like Easter egg hunts is almost over. So I’m trying my hardest to make make it last. You win Kylan. I wonder if that was her plan all along with that bitch-ass comment 🤔


Until next year Easter. We love the hunts, the pastel colors, the deviled eggs, peeps and sugar highs but also so very thankful that it only comes around once a year. Mama is TIRED.


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