Christmas 2018.

If it brings you joy, go for it. If not, let it go.

My Christmas anxiety was at an all-time high this past December. "Do I really need to do Christmas cards this year?" I pondered. "My tree is too short and I don't have enough ornaments or lights," I stressed. "I only have peppermints to put in Kylan's advent calendar, she's going to be so disappointed," I worried. 

We picked out our tree in the pouring rain at this ghetto roadside tree lot...I should've known then 

You see, us moms have this unspoken pressure to create magical everlasting memories for our children. So we decorate the whole entire house. We bake and we cook. We build gingerbread houses that fall apart. We dress them in their most impressive Christmas outfits and wait in line to see Santa. We handpick the most perfect gifts having taken note over the year what they would like. We carefully wrap with love (okay, I don't do that part... I despise wrapping), nice thick paper and bows to tie it all together. We put on holiday songs and sing and dance in our matching Christmas pj's. We drive them around to see the lights. We cuddle in bed watching Home Alone. We put out cookies, milk and a note for Santa on Christmas Eve. We make traditions. We do it all because no one else is going to do it and it makes us happy seeing others happy. 

Decorating sugar cookies on Christmas day because it's never too late

As much as the pressure gets to me, I actually do love all the magic that comes with the holidays and I am feeling a bit sad that it's over. Some of my favorite moments from December...

Sister-wife photo shoot in Bass Pro Shops because we would.



My mom wearing her wig that Joanna is convinced makes her look like she's in disguise 😂.

Hosting Christmas Eve with my fam 💓 Karaoke, baking peanut butter blossoms (or supervising while Joanna bakes and Steph cooks), playing games, and drinking an entire bottle of vodka to our faces while Matt pours us shots we didn't need... 

Kylan's Christmas concert. TiTi, Valencia, my mom, Ken's family and even Matt's parents all came to watch her perform. She had us all laughing at her exaggerated "hallelujah" and put us all in the Christmas spirit.

Gifting my aunt a spa day. It had been 6 years since she had her hair done. She was surprised to the point of tears. It was a lovely day 💕.

And of course, Christmas day and all it's glory.

All Kylan asked Santa for for Xmas was an elf on the shelf. I refuse to play into the elf hype so she got this sweater instead. "Handmade" by the elf himself of course 😉

 Taken by Ky 😍

My Mom: "Ky, this is your new fish. She's dark blue and so pretty. What do you want to name it?"
Ky: "Dark blue."

The next day Kylan somberly said, "I wish it was Christmas everyday." Ahhh, I did it. I can breath again. Until next year Christmas...I'll be sure to come prepared with all my lists, plans and heightened anxiety.

As always, thank you Joanna for capturing these moments.


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