On your second birthday

Dear Kylan,

I celebrate your life today. I rejoice in reading over your birth story. How I yelled at the doctor to “cut it out of me” and called him a liar when he said that was no longer an option. I remember with intense clarity the moment I held you in my arms for the first time, all 6 pounds/11 ounces of you. You were far more beautiful than I ever could have imagined. Is this real life? I thought. Yes, and it’s my real life.

People love you Kylan Grace. You are funny and sweet. Your laugh is cute and infectious. You know it too and you use it to your advantage when mama is not very happy with you. Who can resist that smile? Not me. Not anyone.

This past year has been a year of change for both of us. Mommy and Daddy made a very difficult decision that very much involved you. I hope you understand one day just why we did what we did. And know that we are better people and a better team because of you. We think the adjustment was just fine on you, our spontaneous free spirited soul.

Although it scares me to no end when you run across the street yelling “parch!” as an attempt to get us to go to the park, I like that. A girl who knows what she wants. Puzzle pieces that don’t fit together is cause for world war III. Milk in your cup instead of juice is a serious tragedy. And don’t even try to sing the words wrong to your favorite songs “wheels on the bus.” WIPERS GO SWISH, SWISH NOT WAH WAH… GET IT RIGHT!

In the past year you have acquired almost a full set of teeth (still working on those bottom ones and molars), expanded your vocabulary from a few words to sentences, learned to use utensils, peed on the potty (once), and grew an intense obsession for Elmo.

You are affectionate – always making sure to pat the person’s back you are hugging. You are forceful – pulling out my hair when you brush it and jumping on top of people. You are a quick learner – show or tell you once how to open something and you have it figured out. You like all people with “Encia,” AunTie, TiTi, MeMe, Ampa, and GG being some of your favorite friends and family members. Stranger danger was never a thing with you. In fact, you walk up to random people and get into their personal space quite too frequently. You love to dance -- specifically to the songs “da bass” (all about that bass) and Magic!’s “rude.” And just recently, you have taken an interest in books asking for me to read your favorites “again” and again and again and again…

Happy birthday to the one that made me a mother. I look forward to seeing you grow into the well-rounded girl you inevitably will become.

All of my love, all of my life.

-Your Mama


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