Somebunny loves you

"Toddlers live large, play hard, and love big. When they get upset, they can act irrationally, just like adults do. And they often have emotional outbursts to clear out the bad feelings – which can be difficult for you to endure without erupting yourself. 

Before losing your cool, remember that your child's lack of self-control is normal. He'll eventually learn what's socially acceptable by the way you and others react to his antics. Try to respond calmly and enforce the limits you've set so things don't escalate." BabyCenter My Toddler: 16 Months

<-- Ain't that the truth. 

She cried for exactly 1 hour and 6 minutes tonight. I debated going in and rescuing her countless times. "Is she thirsty? Is she cold?" "Is her stuffed animal making noises keeping her awake (it happens)?", "Ouch I think she definitely just hit her head on the crib, now I'm definitely going in."

But I stood my ground and eventually she got the hint that mama was not giving in. It wasn't easy. Parenting is actually very difficult. And the worst part, there's no manual for how to raise your kid. Google can only provide you with what's worked for others, not your own.

What I do know, is that I owe it to her to be the best mother, role model, person that I can possibly be. Life is too short to settle for a life that could have been. So with the limited time I have here on Earth with her, particularly at this baby always-changing and growing stage, I try to ensure that I am making ever-lasting memories that she will cherish when she's older.

We had a lovely time at the farm on Sunday. Sunny skies + hayrides + egg hunting + farm animal feeding + scary looking adult-sized Easter bunnies/chickens = a hell of a good time. Girlfriend was not impressed with the hunting as she wanted to hoard all the eggs and not put them in my make-shift basket i.e. purse. She was even further unimpressed by one of the creepiest Easter bunnies I've ever seen. But once the bunny got his groove on she was all "Oh, I can get down too, see?"

And for the record, I am not portraying my life to be more glamorous then it is. This Sunday involved Kylan rolling under the blankets in my bed from 6:30 - 7:15AM with crackers and bananas (the only snacks I could find) all smooshed under my sheets and in my pillows because I was too tired/lazy to get up for the day. But for every lazy Mom moment I try to make up for it with magical fun moments like our Sunday at the farm. Even if she can't tell me directly, I know she cherished it. When we got home I hid some eggs around the house and she was ecstatic that the farm fun was not completely over.

It's the little things.


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