Kylan at 16 months

I spent a good part of my day today cleansing myself of clothes that are not needed. And of course I put way too much thought in to it, "maybe I'll wear this next St. Patty's day though, it's like the only green shirt I have"... "no I won't".. "but I could..." "no Kayla remember your purpose here." 

My happiness does not come from the clothes I wear. Material things are only temporary possessions. It's the experiences you have with the people you love making ever-lasting good memories -- that is happy. 

Brushing my hair with a plastic egg shell.

Clapping because she's proud of herself. You go girl, I appreciate you.

Her determination to fit in this dollhouse is not only comical it's what I love about her.

Look at my little big girl's smug toddler face :p

This girl and stranger danger in the least. Particularly, with other small children.

New thing: Let's hold hands and drag Mama and friends all around the house.

ELMO! (better known as "melma")

The leap-pad provides countless minutes (who am I kidding...seconds) of entertainment. Particularly the option to turn it on and OFF.

Clearly someone learned their lesson...

So these tantrums are fun...
          I believe this one was over not being tall enough to use my keys to open the door.

And this was because she didn't want to get ready to have a good time at 'Nuthin but Good Times indoor play gym...Rough life.

And naturally she had an amazing time.

She can use a fork now. Kind of sort of. :)

This blog is my way to keep track of the everyday memories that are my happiness. Sometimes I get down on myself for being so wrapped up in getting the perfect picture so that I could reflect on that memory in the future that I missed out on the actual moment itself. There's a balance between recording and living my life that I am continuously trying to master.

My daughter is hilarious. She likes to hide under blankets and have you find her. She likes to fix things and put things together. If I'm wearing earrings, she will try to take them out and put them back in. She has 6 teeth total. 2 itty bitty cute ones on the bottom and 4 larger ones like her mama on the top. Her vocabulary consists of "mama," "dada," "yeah," "cat," "bubble," "baby," "diaper," "elmo," and "deuce." She is down to one nap time around noon. She sleeps from 8-6:30 at night usually straight through.Still eating like a champ although a little pickier than 6 months ago. She doesn't like broccoli but she does love peas and bananas. She's not into reading so much but is obsessed with dancing. She likes to scream at the top of her longs or sometimes hit as her outlet for anger and not being able to communicate in a way that we understand. I'm working on the whole discipline thing.

Learning to how to be the best mother I can be each and everyday.


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