We love you

I dream of you almost every night. You are a precious baby girl with big brown eyes and curly as curly can be hair.  Sometimes you are a bouncy blue-eyed, blond hair boy. You are always happy and you bring daddy and I much joy. We like to bathe you and snuggle. You make me worry all the time. Even now, before you are born, I am anxious to feel you move, to know that everything is okay.

When daddy and I met back in November of 2004 (yes your birth month!) we were both kids. We drove around in my '92 honda civic playing Mase "money don't buy you love" on repeat. Your daddy knew he loved me from the start. It took me longer to realize that this man was meant to be.

We picked out your name years later. I would scribble Kaden and Kailynn all over my notebooks in college and hope that no one was watching over me and I would have to provide an explanation.

You were carefully planned to come when you did and we couldn't be more pleased that you granted us our wish, a 2012 baby, our much awaited miracle. I plan to throw you a big birthday party. I hope you like celebrations as much as I do. Daddy isn't as big on them, he's shy, that's okay if you are too. I chose this song: Switchfoot - Always back in 2009 as my song for you. But just the other day, I found a new song by the Tempertrap - Miracle. I like them both so much, I think you will have two birth songs.

Friday is a big day for daddy and I. We get to see you and hopefully find out if you are sir Kaden Mase or Miss Kylan Maci. And if all goes well, which it will, Saturday is your reveal party, the first of many I can assure you. Friends and family from all over will come to celebrate your life and daddy's birthday. It will be special.

I am actually 18 weeks today but here is what mommy looked like last week. She is getting big :)

Here is us getting a tan.

And here are your 3 kitties, anxiously awaiting your arrival!


  1. This was so sweet to read : )
    How do you love being a mommy? Isn't it the best thing on earth! Hope you are doing well.


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