
I reached 17 weeks yesterday and I can finally say I am starting to feel 'well.' I haven't vomited in a couple of weeks, I can now drink water without nausea, and I'm not peeing as much. Baby likes to lay low and I've been feeling a lot of pressure in my pelvic area. Makes me think my cervix is going to fall down out of my vagina or something... that can happen you know? No, you probably didn't know.

We celebrated Ken's 25th birthday at TGIF along with Gram who turned 97 the week before. We sang happy birthday on our own, loud and proud, since TGIF employees are no longer allowed to. Jean even went around to all the tables to get everyone involved. While Gram nearly licked her dessert from the bowl because there was no spoon in sight, I also got a little treat because Ken can't eat ice cream :)

And the birthday excitement exploded when 20 little girls from the Nova Scotia hockey team sang anohter round of the birthday song to Gram who was turning 30, as one of them guessed. 
Gram clapped along, naturally.

Ken's big birthday celebration will be next weekend after we find out what we are having. I am so excited to host my first cookout and there's so much to be thankful for. Which is important to remember this time of year, during the anniversary of Keith's passing. We are so very blessed to have the family, friends, and future baby Boyer in our lives.

We won't have Ken grilling at his own party but he is pretty damn good at it.

Our canvas art came in! And I love it.

Also, my hubby has taken it upon himself to do our monthly budget :)

And I'm passed the 4 month mark! Wahoooo!!


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