
After a good yoga session last night I woke up today with plenty of energy.

I went to Bed Bath & Beyond to spend my gift certicate today. I got some silky 300 thread count navy color, odor eliminating sheets to match our new grey bedspread and yellow walls. Navy, grey and yellow. I dig. I asked a lady behind me if she happened to have the cirucular and if there were any coupons in it. Boy did I hit the jackpot with that question. The lady pulls out a stockpile of coups and shares them with everyone in line. 'Tis the season :D

Next I went grocery shopping. I find it to be so relaxing in the middle of the day, so much so that I found myself humming to "jingle bell rock" which has to be one of my least favorite Christmas songs.

Later that night I decided to address Ken's desire to have a more 'domesticated' wife and I made him some crescent rolls. Except I suck at rolling those things and I immediately knew he was going to judge me. And sure enough he goes "babe, do you know how to roll these?". Ugh men, can't ever please them.

I do have to admit, they looked like limp old penises for lack of a better description.

My meal however, was superb.

I could do without the lima beans. I also added Philadelphia italian herb cooking cream. I love those.

Domesticated or 'tamed' can be seen as a sexist term when used by bigots. I personally like the definition "to cause to feel comfortable at home" which sums up my Aunt. She is queen hostess and I never have to worry about my glass being empty or my pillows being flat when in her presence. I feel the need to strive to be a better hostess. My pledge: I will start with making my space more homey. Centerpieces, good smelling candles, artwork, christmas lights - they all remind of someone who has their 'shit together.' Tonight Ken has suggested we put up some lights. That's a start ;)


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