Bridal Shower

I subscribe to this site here that challenges me to improve something mentally, physically, or emotionally every day. Yesterday's challenge was to name 3 things I'm grateful for.

1. My aunt for hosting Thanksgiving this year at what used to be my Grandparents' home. And for using plastic dishware ;)
2. My hair being manageable again.
3. For new friends and old friends. New family becoming old family. And when they all meet, it's magical.

So many things to be excited about! WOOO!!

Speaking of 'excited.'

We played a game in which none of these words were to be spoken or else you lose a clothespin. I lost a lot because...

Yesterday was my bridal shower!! And it couldn't have been a better day for it. Sunshine, laughter, and plenty of delicious food. Oh and that cake!

Friends and family traveled hundreds of miles for this event. I really did feel like a 'princess' for the day.

Because my bridal party knows me oh so well, there were plenty of games to be played! Including the toilet paper wedding dress game.

No one could top Barb's chic look ;)

Mmmm mimosas with peach snchapps, grenadine and andre. Again, my girls know me so well. I received 2 bottles of wine and 14 wine glasses, you know just in case I accidently break about 10 of them.

Andy assembled the rehearsal dinner bouquet for me. Love it.

There are no words to describe the happiness that you feel when everyone in the room is there for you, to celebrate your life, and to 'shower' you with gifts. I'm grateful for everything and then some. I couldn't have asked for a better day and I certainly couldn't dream up a better 'new' family to enter in to. A special thanks goes to my bridesmaid Anna who was there in spirit. I know you had a lot do with all of this. And Becky, for lending out your adorable home to us crazy gals ;)

I'm most excited about my new awesome cookbook!!

Grandma got the date wrong though. Shh, we won't tell her.

When I got home KEN was just as EXCITED to see what I got as I was. He opened up our new comforter set and felt the soft micro-suede material. He helped clear out a closet to organize our new appliances. And then he put on his new CRUISE outfits to see how they fit and to show my mom.

We also opened up our 'wedding wishes' and took turns reading them to each other. There's some great advice in there! Specifically Aunt Mary's "don't let little things turn into big things."

Cali read them with us too. She was particularly fond of Grandma's which simply read "Ask God's blessings every day!" as she knows she's a blessing from God.

And then later Ken's friend Vaughn and his gf came over to play some games with us. But not before we lit off some fireworks out the window (almost died).

The word is 'tempermental' and Ken's the judge. He goes "alright, does anybody have the card that says 'kayla'?" HAHA you 'little shit' as Gram would say...

But my favorite part of the day? It had to be when Gram said in the most endearing way; "I was married for 54 years to the best man that ever walked this planet."

It's a toss up between that though and when my mother tried getting away with 'decoration' as the answer to one of the objects in the paper bag game...


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