
Where I live we have 4 seasons: Winter, Winter, mud season, SUMMER.
I swear Summer only lasts for 6 weeks. But us New Englanders suck the friggen blood out of those 6 weeks. We summer SO HARD. Our summer bucket lists are created in like Februrary/March when we get one day of 50 degree weather and start feeling all the nostalgia come to our bloodstream. We start rapidly texting our friends, "RIVER FLOAT FOR FOURTH OF JULY YOU IN????" We need something to look forward to, because please for the love of God, WILL WINTER EVER END?

This post is about camping. Because it's at the top of my summer bucket list every year. And I know that camping isn't for everyone, but it's for me. And let me tell you why.

I'm Cheap AF.
Camping is cheap. I like to travel but on a budget. I'm a basic bitch. I don't need the high quality count linens or spa services. Just give me a bed without roaches and I'm good. Under $100 a night? Now you're talking. Camping in a tent allows me to get my wanderlust on without all the extra cost.

I do it for Ky.
Ky loves to camp. No bath time? Awesome! Haven't brushed my teeth in days? Who cares! No inside voices? Don't worry about it! And you feed me sugar sandwiches before bed? SIGN ME UP.

The second we get to the campsite she sets up her "area." I like to think of it as a mama bear nesting. She lines up her barbies/dolls along the edges of the tent. Makes her little air mattress bed and lays out her bathing suit. Ok so many my kid is a little OCD but at least she's organized!

And there's arts and crafts! Last weekend she made this ping pong ball cup launcher.

Camping is a good excuse to unplug. When we are surrounded by nature there's no desire to spend hours on the tablet or phone. Instead she'd rather skip rocks and I'd rather take a nap in the hammock. We play games. We team up to start the fire and take turns tending it. We stay up late looking at the stars and giggling over "who's pee smells the most" until it's finally time to get in our tents and call it a night. Then we cuddle in tight on a leaking air mattress with only a light quilt in 40 degree weather arguing about who's responsibility it was to pack the essentials. It's called bonding okay.

Did I mention it's Summer?
We must be outside for these 6 weeks of precious daylight! Us northerners are vitamin D deficient. Seasonal depression is legit. I have friends I barely see all winter long because they are hibernating and/or afraid to step outside in the tundra. Once summer emerges it's all, "HEYYY GIRL HEYYY what have you been up toooo??" Camping gives me an excuse to be outside. To wake up and stay outdoors. When I'm home or at a hotel I tend to spend far too much time in bed binging Netflix. That's what winter is for. Camping takes away that temptation.

Priceless Memories.
Enough said:

I grew up camping and I love it. Bug bites and all. Maybe I can't always afford lavish trips to the grand canyon or Disney Land but I can give her this. And I hope it's something she will always cherish.


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