How did we get here? Six just seems so old. The moment you entered this world Kylan Grace, time has sped up exponentially and it has yet to slow down, just like you. I take this moment to reflect on your fifth year while trying not to cry.... too late.

At 5 years old you learned to ski for the first time. You liked it, at first, because you could speed down the mountain and come crashing into my arms as we waited at the bottom for you. It wasn't until I put you in lessons that you lost interest - wait, I have to learn to stop? Nah, not for me.

And we took off the training wheels this year! There were very little falls, you are a natural.

You tried out a new school and really grew attached to Miss Kelly, as did she to you. You have that special way about you, drawing people in with your sweetness and pushing them away with your sour 😉.

You've grown a special attachment to Molly over the past year. She tolerates you pinning her down when you want to cuddle on the couch and doesn't fuss when you drag her up to bed at night to sleep with you. She knows you're not messing around and almost always complies with your demands.

You finally got your first haircut. You're now obsessed with straight hair like the rest of society...

 Thanks Tiff for keeping some of her locks for us.

 You're really silly Kylan. Like that one time you told me, "when I grow up I want to be Santa but I don't know because it wouldn't be fair that everyone else gets presents except for me."

You are such a little love. Always wanting to cuddle and take care of my ailments - playing doctor is your favorite. 
This was a hard year for you because your dearest Grammie passed away. You loved her with all your heart, I know this. And she loved you 100x more, if possible. Watching you cover your Grammie's body with stuffed animals during her last days of life and then kissing her stone cold head a dozen times at the wake was soul crushing 💔

But you persevered. As you do and will do again, numerous times in life. My brave little warrior child.
There were many more good moments than bad during your fifth year of life. Like that first time you went to Disney World. And even if you acted as though it was "just okay" I know deep down you had the best time.

You couldn't swim without your floatie in April but come summer you were a pro swimmer! Your confidence in the water has grown leaps and bounds and I have the memory forever burned in my brain of you jumping up and down shouting, "LOOK MOM I CAN SWIM ALL BY SELF!!"

Now that you're in Kindergarten you are obsessed with losing a tooth. Every other day you ask me to feel your tooth to see how wiggly it is. It doesn't move but I play along. "Oh yeah, the tooth fairy is going to be visiting soon." HOW SOON THOUGH?? You shout impatiently.

Can't rush life baby. If I've learned anything from parenting it's that the milestones come as they come - there's no point in forcing them.
Professional photos by Joanna vs. school photos 😆 (will be doing a retake)

In some ways you are still so much the same girl as you were when you turned five, four, three, two. You are passionate, full of zest, stubborn, funny, loving and strong. But in so many other ways you have matured and evolved into a new, older little girl. That's what I look forward to as you age - watching you experience life in your own unique way.

You are so much more than that to me Kylan Grace. You are my guiding light on a dark and dreary day. You are my home. You are my reason for being.

Happy 6th birthday baby girl. I'll love you forever. 


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