
Pumpkin everything is upon us. Which can only mean one thing: fall. Now I'm a summer girl through and through. Give me beaches, tan lines, cookouts that go all day and night and popsicle sticks scattered all over my lawn any day. But there's something about this season that just breathes comfort. Cooler temperatures and falling leaves has us wanting to grab a cup of warm cider and cozy up with loved ones.

It's important for me to show my child the delight that comes with each season so that she can truly appreciate what fall brings to the table. Like how delicious the apples taste when they are hand-picked from the orchard and even better tasting is the homemade apple pie she helped bake with her Mama afterward.

In the fall we fair. We eat way too much fried food and ride on sketchy rides that have us feeling equally as terrified as joyous. The air smells of cow shit, overflowing porta potties, and the crowds are so packed you wonder what the point of coming is anyway. The point is it's tradition. And if you were to look back on your life many years from now you're going to remember the traditions that your parents made for you. After all, they are the ones writing the beginning of your life story.

In the midst of the glowing ferris wheel and the loud screaming kids (most likely Maggie - you can hear her thrill from miles away) I lost my child. It happened in a blink of an eye, as the saying goes. Time stood still and I panicked to the point that I almost convinced myself my child was already sold to sex slavery and I would spend the rest of my life trying to find her kidnappers. Fortunately, my much more rational sister went into emergency mode and her calm, matter of fact nurse-like demeanor was exactly what I needed at that moment. "You need to go to the police."

We found her. They found her. Or she found them. Luckily my child has an odd obsession with the police and went up to an officer telling him she was lost. "I'm four years old and my name is KyWIN" she later recalled for me. I think it's time to teach her our phone number, address, and how to never leave my side in a crowded place EVER again.

Nevertheless, we had an amazing time. And the amount of times we exclaimed, "Look at their faces!" made the entire experience worth it. There are a mixture of iPhone and professional photos below (courtesy of my sister wife Joanna)

 Aunty caved and bought her this overpriced "beauty" set to torture Mommy with all the small pieces.

Thank you random stranger that gave us the rest of your tickets so that we could afford to ride the ferris wheel. 

We fall in love with the fair every year because it reminds us of our childhood. It's where family comes together to pig out on fried oreos and spend money on overpriced dream catchers and wool scarves that no one ever needs. And we will do it all over again next year (minus the losing the kid part) because... memories. 


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