
This year was full of changes and you took them all like a champ. You started a new school that has welcomed you with open arms.

You tried out gymnastics for a bit and kind of did your own thing. One mom came up to me after a class to tell me, "I watch your daughter more than my own. She's hilarious." 


See what I mean, always marching to the beat of your own drum

You also began a new dance program but ballet isn't really your thing.  You tell me all the time, "I hate plié." Tap is more your speed. We are sticking with it despite your resistance (in the week that it took me to create and publish this post you decided you no longer want to go to dance and are perfectly fine with it -- as long as you still get to go to Wendy's on Tuesday nights).  

You can recite the alphabet and sing it proudly only if you aren't asked/prompted to do so. Numbers, eh, still working on that. You are pretty set in your ways which is terrifying being that you are just four years old. The other day we were assigning letters to animals, "C'' is for cat, 'D' is for dog..." and you asked "what is FIVE for?". "Five is a number baby, not a letter." I couldn't get you past it. "WHAT IS FIVE FOR??" 


I am sorry for the snippiness my love. You test me in ways I never knew I was failing at -- like that time you broke your door off the hinges from banging so hard not wanting to go to sleep. I am working on it. And will continue to work on it as long as you call me your Mama. So please forgive me for moments when I didn't quite make the mark, like when your teacher embarrassingly tells me I packed you a moldy sandwich for lunch the other day.

While we are on the food topic, you still hate it. Unless it's filled with sugar. You like sugar so much in fact, you sneak sugar packets from the table at restaurants. You hide them under the table or you just blatantly eat them in front of me with a sly look of, "I run this show, bitch."


Trying to get you to eat your vegetables is like watching paint dry.

But you do enjoy baking/cooking with me and as long as you don't pour taco seasoning in the apple pie, I enjoy baking with you as well.

You are a dominant, spirited soul. You speak your mind and aren't afraid to show your true self to anyone willing to pay attention. You are quirky, friendly, and a bit bossy. But your friends seem to enjoy your presence greatly. Particularly your bestie Maggie Lu, good friends Olivia and Audrey and ultimate buddy Matt.

It's also easy for you to make new friends wherever we go, like this one time at the tide pools, your friend showed you how to find crabs.

Speaking of crabs. Your first pet died. His name was Crab. And it wasn't from that one time Maggie poured an entire container of fish food in his bowl. He put up a good fight. Luckily, you didn't seem too phased by it.

Style is a way of life for you. From makeovers to nail polish to fashion. If it doesn't have a skirt (dresses and tutus are OK), you're not wearing it. This can prove challenging in the winter time.

Thanks for the makeover Ky

You didn't really care for that bathing suit.

You learned how to ride your tricycle, finally, after several grueling days of effort. And you also learned how to swim -- you are very proud of this accomplishment! "Look what I can do" with a smile as big as a jack-o-lantern's. I love that wide gorgeous smile of yours.

This was taken at your 3rd birthday party. You don't need the vest anymore. You also stopped punching yourself in the face during tantrums.

With every passing day I see a toddler transforming into a little girl. "I'm not a little kid, I'm a big kid, see I'm growing bigger." You are growing, baby, and as much as it's my favorite thing to see you develop. I ask that you slow down and just stay little for a little while longer.

You're now over 3 feet tall :)

As we lay snuggled in my bed, you glance up at me with 
your starry-eyed glaze and whisper, "I love you mom", and then you fiercely
pull my head into yours and plant a big smooch on my mouth. 
think to myself, I never envisioned loving someone so deeply as I do you.


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