
"Am I doing this right? I feel like she should be saying more words by now. I don't think she pooped today is that okay? Why does she keep hitting me and laughs after I tell her no? What is WRONG with her?"

Motherhood paranoia is real. And it's constant.

There's a reason why the manual step-by-step guide to motherhood has yet to be written. It's a good thing too because that sucker would be extremely long and would have us all convinced we were doing it all wrong. Fortunately, I learned early on after reading a book on the 4 S's to peaceful baby sleeping that my child just does not fit the mold. Repeatedly whispering "shhh" in her ear while swinging her like a mad woman completely backfired as she gave me the death stare of "you shush the F up right now" and cried louder.

I have decided to let go of the overwhelming anxiety that comes with being a parent including the responsibility of raising a productive member to society. And in letting go, I found myself becoming a better mother, a better person. The long leash I give my child has allowed her to explore the world around her with very few limitations. She wants to climb down the stairs on her own, sure go for it baby, I'll be right behind you to catch you when you undoubtedly fall. Failures, not successes, are what we learn from.

So I'll let her burn her tongue because she's too impatient to let me cool down her food for her. She will learn.
I will allow her to eat dirt and grass and then laugh at her facial expressions after trying it. It doesn't taste too good does it baby? She will learn.
Instead of warning her, "That water is freezing!" I'll have her find out for herself. She will learn, and maybe I will learn too... that she actually likes it.

Today was one of those days in which I let my free bird spread her wings. She tasted the sand. She ate some seaweed. She made friends with strangers. She felt how hot the sand was and how cold the ocean felt beneath her little piggies. She squealed and yelled "weeee" out of joy. And I smiled out of pride. Her happiness is my happiness -- that is what motherhood is all about.

I lay soaking in the sun while I watch from the corner of my eye her discovering the world. Only interfering when I deem it absolutely necessary, like when she's on a mission to chase down someone's kite or ruin a little kids masterpiece sand castle. Just then, a random lady overlooking Ky playing with her husband and granddaughter looks over at me to ask, "Is she always this well-behaved?"

And that right there, my friends, is confirmation that I must be doing something right.

climbed up and sat in it for a while then climbed down all on her own

The best part? Driving home with the windows down looking back at my baby girl in peaceful slumber, I said to myself as I fought back tears, "if I had any control in the matter, I would want my last day on Earth to be just like today -- living and loving life to its fullest."


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